“Day vs. Night Juxtaposition” – A Photo Series by Lenny Gerard

Lenny Gerard (@lenny__gerard), is an independent photographer based in California. He studied at both Parsons School of Design and The New School University, and has over 15 years experience working with agencies and organizations across advertising, fine art, fashion, music, beauty, non-profit, and entertainment. Gerard’s personal work was recently featured in Analog Forever Magazine and has been exhibited in galleries and shows online and across the US.

Gerard produces spliced-together Polaroids, and then scans them as a canvas for digital alteration. Each pair of photographs, printed on archival ink jet paper and then enlarged to 30″x30″ features the same scene that was captured at various times of the day, sliced in half, and then physically stapled together. Warm colors in the daylight portion of the image represent an energetic, busy existence. In contrast – the cool, tranquil nighttime tones reflect the beauty, creativity, and exploration.

Gerard’s project statement from his website states:

“In the liminal spaces where day and night coalesce, my Polaroid photography series seeks to capture the ephemeral beauty that emerges from this delicate balance. Through my lens, I explore the transformative power of light, showcasing moments of transition as they unfold before me.

My images are not mere snapshots of time but rather a meditation on the intricate interplay between natural and artificial illumination. In the realm of Polaroid photography, I find a unique canvas that allows me to freeze these fleeting moments in a tangible form, preserving the ethereal in a world often characterized by relentless motion.

Each photograph in this series represents a carefully orchestrated dance between two distinct worlds. The daylight, with its soft and warm embrace, gradually surrenders to the enchanting mystery of nightfall. In these moments, urban landscapes and natural scenery undergo a metamorphosis, revealing a hidden narrative that can only be unearthed through the lens.

This collection has been showcased internationally, inviting viewers to contemplate the profound contrasts and harmonies that emerge when day and night converge. It is my hope that these images inspire reflection on the transient nature of existence, inviting us to appreciate the beauty that emerges in the spaces between light and darkness.

Through Polaroid photography, I strive to connect with audiences on an emotional level, offering them a glimpse into the timeless and enchanting realm where day and night embrace, forever frozen in an instant.”

To see more of Lenny Gerard’s professional and personal work, please see his website https://www.lennygerard.com/ or his Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lenny__gerard/

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